
The Mad Men – The Lifestyle Content

The term LIFESTYLE has different definitions in many dictionaries. It can mean the same thing as other styles of fashion design like hip-hop styling. The word was first introduced by Austrian psychiatrist Alfred Adler in his famous essay, The Case of Miss R. in which the term was applied to describe the pre-frontal attachment to a person’s brain that causes an orientation to the right or left side of the cerebral spectrum. It became the basis for other related studies in psychology and sociology. In more recent years, the concept of LIFESTYLE became more linked to current styles of fashionable dressing.

The word LIFESTYLE shows up in a lot of things. Fashion magazines, television shows, and Internet video display an eclectic combination of what many would term as Lifestyle Content. This may be the result of the fact that Lifestyle Content is increasingly being linked to the way a person relates to their own sense of style. Adler suggested that the word Lifestyle had a negative connotation as something one tends to do in a hurry to fit in, which may not necessarily be a positive lifestyle choice.

Fashion experts and sociologists have used the term Lifestyle Content consistently to describe how individuals create social media profiles, how they behave in groups, and how they behave within their own families. For them, Lifestyle Content is a description of the individual’s values, beliefs, attitudes, behaviors, and orientations toward life. These are the things they believe and would act upon even if the situation does not require such action. This is in contrast to Lifestyle Content that is more about acting in response to situational demands rather than for any intrinsic value or motivation. Social media users who use Lifestyle Content would be considered sociable and open-minded individuals who can adjust to different situations.

This was brought to light in an episode of the Mad Men television show. In the first episode, Draper (Played by Jon Hamm) is seen gliding through a grocery store with his assistant Betty (Anne Hathaway). He talks incessantly about the weather conditions and mentions that he reads the New York Times every day. When he comes upon an account of a high temperature in New York, he excuses himself by saying that he’s out of the country. Betty comforts him and he expresses his desire to work on his golf swing. Shortly thereafter, Draper starts working on the project and Betty also joins in.

Throughout this episode, we see several other characters and personalities from the main cast also make use of Lifestyle Content. This includes Stan (Angeloimono), Peggy (Karen Geddes), Pete (Jon Hamm), Roger (Johnucker), Dean (Pete Campbell), Pete (John Mahoney), Jack (Mike McKee) and Fred (LES Editing). It also shows other facets of the Lifestyle Content like the way they handle their personal and professional lives, how they are able to maintain balance in their work and life, how they get along with people, how they socialize, how they travel, how they look, how they communicate with others, how they shop, how they write, how they construct their work and home life, how they raise their children, how they interact with animals and more. There are even interviews with famous entrepreneurs and famous authors who admit to having a lifestyle codes, such as Robert Kiyosaki, Mark Twain, Henry David Thoreau, Maya Angelou, Oprah Winfrey and Richard Carlson.

The Mad Men writers and producers have created a world that is full of contradictions. They present an alternate version of the working world and a version of the lifestyle they believe is only achievable with Lifestyle Content and Lifestyle Entrepreneur. The show has been successful for so long because it presents a vision of what life could be like if all people, rich and poor alike, had the Lifestyle Content. The show is not just a soap opera or a romantic comedy like most people expect it to be but it has more depth than that. Many people are now realizing that the Mad Men and the Lifestyle Content are one in the same.